youth Sports
From the Huddle
From the Huddle is used by Youth Sport Leagues and School Districts to collect feedback from coaches, athletes, and parents on how often and how consistently coaches are using fundamental strategies and best practices to create a positive environment for their athletes to thrive.
Get the data you need to answer questions like these:
How well is your sports organization integrating youth development skills into your programming?
Which coaches can you tap to share their strengths within your organization?
What do your athletes and parents think about their coach’s behavior?
After a coach training on developing athletes’ social and emotional skills, how often are coaches using those strategies and practices?
Student Athletes (grades 3-12), Parents of Student Athletes, & Youth Sports Coaches
5 - 7 minutes per assessment. Survey links distributed with QR codes, emails, and texts. With opportunities for integrating into your management system.
Flexible Survey Options
Select a version that aligns with your program: From the Huddle Quick Check survey or From the Huddle Deep Dive
Each athlete and guardian form is available in both Spanish and English with read aloud and a large on screen accessibly menu.
Training & Project Manager Included
Oversees survey administration setup and reports training overview
Measures Positive Behaviors
Measure the frequency & consistency of positive coach behaviors associated with developing athlete wellness & life skills
Comprehensive Reports
Individual, team, and organization level reporting online within 24 hours
From the Huddle is anonymous for all survey respondents
From the huddle screening options
Developed in partnership with the Aspen Institute and Dr. Ryan Balch of Resonant Education, a national expert on survey development and senior lecturer at Vanderbilt University, the From the Huddle survey helps youth sports organizations assess and improve how their coaches develop athletes' social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Learn more about how the survey was developed.
It comes in two versions: a 360-Degree Survey for in-depth analysis of specific key social and emotional skills and a Free Coach Self-Assessment for an overview of coaching practices. Both versions are rooted in research-based strategies to help coaches nurture essential life skills in young athletes.
The coach self-assessment asks coaches how often and how consistently they perform certain actions as part of their coaching practice. The survey is aligned to Project Play’s Calls for Coaches initiative, which are a set of strategies and best practices that coaches can use to name, model, and create environments for youth athletes to develop and practice social and emotional skill-building. The survey items measure the frequency and consistency of these positive coach behaviors associated with developing these skills.
By measuring their own practice, coaches can identify their strengths, as well as where they can focus their next training.
The From the Huddle 360-Degree Survey is a more thorough version of the survey used when youth sports organizations want to implement targeted strategy improvement related to one or more of the Calls for Coaches. This version of the survey is helpful to use when there is a known issue (either identified using the coach self assessment or other methods). Results from the 360-Degree Survey can identify the source and scope of the issue and provide critical information needed to address it.
Student Athletes - 43 items
Parents - 18 items
Coaches - 53 items
What are the 360-Degree Surveys?
360-degree surveys are designed to collect feedback from a group of related participants in order to draw conclusions on the same subject.
From the Huddle utilizes the 360-degree feedback approach to include ATHLETE and GUARDIAN insight on how coaches are incorporating social and emotional skill-building into their coaching practice, in addition to coach self-reflection through the coach self-assessment.
Survey Framework
From the Huddle is used for screening, identification of strengths & concerns, program evaluation and personal development planning.
The survey was developed using the seven Call for Coaches Domains.
Individual items are scored as the average of the corresponding numeric values selected by the respondent.
From the Huddle is a research-based and validated 360-degree survey, based on Aspen Institute Project Play’s Calls for Coaches, that measures the frequency and consistency of the positive coach behaviors associated with developing social, emotional, and cognitive skills in youth sports.
From the Huddle is a highly researched and validated youth sports social, emotional, and cognitive skill development assessment.
Resonant Education collaborates with the Aspen Institute on the From the Huddle Survey and Project Play. Learn more about Project Play and its impactful findings.