School Climate & Conditions

School Climate & Conditions Surveys

School Climate & Culture Surveys use the perceptions of students, parents, and school staff to measure the quality of school life.

We've partnered with organizations such as the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and the National School Climate Center (NSCC) to create effective tools for gathering feedback from students, teachers, and parents.

Build a thriving school community. Resonant Education's expertise helps LEAs develop targeted surveys to improve school climate.



Includes survey forms for student, teacher, and/or guardian.

Flexible Survey Options

Select a survey that works for you or create a survey based on your community needs.

Validation and Alignment

Each of our surveys is rigorously validated and aligned with relevant frameworks to ensure accuracy, reliability, and actionable insights.

Comprehensive Reports

Explore in-depth findings of your community’s unique school climate strengths and needs.

Use Tools You Are Already Using

Use tools you are already familiar with like Classlink, Clever, and Google SSO


Surveys are available in various languages with read aloud and a large on screen accessibly menu.

Easy to Share Reports

Each school climate report was designed in partnership with educational LEA's.

We prioritize student data privacy and adhere to all SOPPA regulations, with a proven track record of successful partnerships with schools and Local Education Agencies (LEAs)

Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA)


universal screening options

Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) was developed in collaboration with the National School Climate Center (NSCC), a recognized leader in school climate research and improvement, the CSCI provides a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of school climate. This partnership ensures the CSCI is grounded in best practices and provides actionable data for schools to create positive change.

The School Climate & Culture Survey (SCC) was developed in collaboration with leading education experts and informed by research on effective school environments, the SCC captures the perspectives of students, parents, and staff to provide a holistic view of school climate and culture.

Catholic School Climate & Culture Survey (CSCC) was created in partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, the CSCC aligns with their National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools provided by National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). It gathers insights from students, parents, and staff to assess the quality of school life within the unique context of Catholic education.

  • Survey aim is to gather information about school climate from multiple perspectives. Includes topics related to Safety, Teaching & Learning, Interpersonal Relationships, Institutional Environment, and Leadership & Efficacy (School Staff survey only)

    Student version: 105 content items; 12 demographic items

    School Staff version: 131 content items; 7 demographic items

    Family version: 96 content items, 11 demographic items

  • Used to provide school and district leaders with insight on the diverse perspectives of members within their learning communities.

    • Students - Grades 3-5 (21 items)

    • Students - grades 6-12 (51 items)

    • School Staff (59 items)

    • Parents (34 items)

  • Used to gather the perspective of various educational stakeholders and understand which policies/practices positively or negatively impact the perception of the school environment.

    • Students - Grades 4-12 (83 items)

    • School Staff (72 items)

    • Parents (50 items)



The CSCI, developed with the National School Climate Center, is a nationally recognized survey that provides valuable insights for improving school climate.

The Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) is a nationally recognized survey that provides a detailed snapshot of your school community's strengths and needs.

With the CSCI, you can quickly gather and analyze perceptions from students, staff, and families across 14 dimensions and 5 key domains:

  • Safety

  • Teaching & Learning

  • Interpersonal Relationships

  • Institutional Environment

  • Leadership & Efficacy

The CSCI offers tailored surveys for students (105 items), school staff (131 items), and families (96 items).

Four Types of scores are provided for:

  1. Response Summary 

  2. Domain and Dimension Summary

  3. Item Analysis scores

  4. Subgroups Summary.

These scores  are documented in a schools’ customized CSCI Report. School and district leaders have access to this report through Resonant Education’s online system within one week of survey closing.This data empowers you to make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions for lasting school climate improvement.



The SSIS reporting suite offers 11 reports for school and district teams to monitor current status and progress over time at individual, teacher, school, grade, and district levels.

The key report is the SSIS Student Detail report, which shows current and historical data for each student and is often shared with families and during intervention planning.

The scored data extract files allow you to easily export the scored data to your SIS, MTSS, RtI or district data warehouse with ease for integration with your own reporting or whole-child analysis processes.






  • Darlene Faster and Daisy Lopez (2021)

    Today, school climate assessment has become an increasingly important and valued aspect of district, state, and federal policy. Recognizing that effective school climate improvement efforts are grounded in valid and reliable data, the Federal Department of Education launched the Safe and Supportive Schools grant in 2010 to provide 11 states with federal assistance that supports the development of rigorous school climate measurement systems. States like Connecticut and Georgia have strong legislation and practice efforts in place that focus explicitly on school climate reform. These efforts have helped to make school climate, including effective and valid/reliable assessment, a clear priority within our education system nationwide.

  • Richard Cardillo (2021)

    Consistently and deliberately supporting students to be engaged as co-leaders and co-learners is an essential requirement for successful school climate improvement efforts. It is a trite truism to envelope our school climate reform efforts with the phrase “it’s all about the kids”. As we examine our existing policies and procedures, are we able to truly state that students played a significant role in shaping the integral parts of determining what we want our school to be? All too frequently, the norm has been to initiate and implement first, and to inform students and ask for input after the fact. If we are truly committed to supporting students in developing strong intellectual, social, emotional, and civic capacities, it behooves us to include them substantively in all school climate improvement efforts from their inception.

  • William H. Hughes and Terry Pickeral (2021)

    A positive school climate improves student achievement and a sense of belonging. This year, more than ever, school leaders need efficient, low-cost and effective ways to boost school achievement. We know that important factors in a positive school climate are also significant mediators of learning: empowerment, authentic, engagement, self-efficacy, and motivation. Being intentional in our practices and co-leading on a positive school climate is a strategy that pays off long term for youth, faculty and school districts—with stronger student achievement within a productive, safe learning environment—a good return on investment of human and financial resources.

  • Clement Coulston and Kaitlyn Smith (2021)

    School climate is the holistic context of the life, vigor and quality of the social connectedness, physical elements, and supportive practices that nurture inclusion and safeness. In order to invest in school climate, one must analyze how his or her individual actions and behaviors contribute to the collective feeling of the school. Students, educators, support staff, families and the community are all key affiliations in co-creating an engaging and inclusive school climate

School Climate in Practice

Make data-driven decisions about your school climate initiatives.

The research supporting our school climate assessments ensures you're using valid and reliable tools to measure what matters. Confidently track progress, identify areas for improvement, and foster a positive learning environment for all students.


Contact us for a brief demo of our School Climate Surveys for your school or district.